Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

Quiero compartir con ustedes algo más de mi reciente viaje a Italia. Nuestra patrona parroquial era una madre devota. Tenemos muchos bellos ejemplos de maternidad en nuestra parroquia. ¡Cualquiera que ponga un pie en la misa aquí, notara que esta es una parroquia que da la bienvenida a los bebés! Sabemos también, que los desafíos con la infertilidad y ansiedades sobre la maternidad, la paternidad y el embarazo, son dificultades frecuentes en nuestro mundo…

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From the Pastor

From the Pastor

I want to share something else from my recent trip in Italy. Our parish patroness was a devoted mother. We have many beautiful examples of motherhood in our parish. Anyone who steps foot into Mass here knows that this is a parish that welcomes babies! We also know that challenges with infertility and anxieties about maternity, paternity, and pregnancy are frequent difficulties in our world

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From the Pastor / Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

From the Pastor / Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

We have now completed our parish extraordinary period of penance and reparation in response to the crisis our Church has been facing. We began that period of penance on September 11 and carried it through this past Friday to accompany our United States Catholic bishops in their annual meeting last week. I want to thank you for your faithful participation in my call for this time of penance. I am proud of our parish for this effort…

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Christmas Giving Tree

Christmas Giving Tree

St. Monica’s annual Christmas gift drive is underway. The Giving Tree, with gift tags, is in the Narthex. Please take a tag and return your gifts to the Narthex no later than Sunday, Dec. 3. Agencies benefiting from the Giving Tree are: Catholic Charities, Center of Family Love, Citizens Caring for Children, Infant Crisis Services, Santa’s Cause, Children’s Care Center, Children’s Hospital, and St. Ann’s Nursing Center. Those who would like to help sort gifts may do so with the members of the Charitable Donations Committee, on Sunday, Dec. 2, after the 10:30 a.m. Mass.

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Giving Tuesday is Nov. 27th

Giving Tuesday is Nov. 27th

Giving Tuesday provides us an opportunity to thank God for all of the blessings that He has bestowed upon us during the year and to look within ourselves to see how we can best use our talent and treasure to help others. This year, St. Monica is building upon that feeling of generosity and compassion by asking our parishioners to prayerfully consider enrolling in eGiving for your recurring weekly offering.

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From the Pastor

From the Pastor

I want to thank you for your faithful participation in our parochial effort at this extraordinary time of penance and reparation for sins in the Church, especially sins of abuse and cover up by clergy. When I announced our parochial plan I intentionally did not have an end date in mind because I wanted to see what response would be forthcoming from Church leadership locally, nationally, and universally (from the Vatican)…

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Penance & Reparation Plan

Fr. Hamilton’s three basic assumptions about the current crisis:

  1. We are dealing with something truly diabolical.

  2. The crisis demands serious penance on a biblical scale.

  3. We need to consider what Jesus says is the greatest command (cf. Mt. 22:36-40).  Jesus says the first is to love God with all that you are.  Then follows a divine love for others.

 Suggestions for penance and reparation:

  1. Attend Daily Mass: In particular, five consecutive Wednesdays the daily Mass intention in our chapel will be “In Reparation,” asking healing for victims of abuse and repair for sins of the clergy.  These Wednesdays start September 12 and end on October 10.  Five Masses are in honor of the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus (which are his wounds of piercing: 2 hands, 2 feet, and his side).

  2. Fasting and abstinence on Wednesdays and Fridays: Challenge yourself to observe meatless days (that’s what abstaining means in this context) and even fasting (which means taking only one main meal) in reparation for the sins and crimes of the clergy and for healing of victims.  The older practice of what are called “Ember Days,” which were quarterly times of penance, sort of like quarterly mini-Lents, can also be observed with fasting.  The three fall Ember Days are: September 19, 21 & 22.

  3. Weekly Holy Hour: Commit to one Holy Hour each week before the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel.  You can make visits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  On Thursday, September 20, from 7-10 pm, attend a public time of adoration at church for healing of victims and in reparation for the sins of priests and bishops.

  4. Invoking Mary & St. Joseph: I encourage each of you to pray the Rosary daily and to pray it as a family at least weekly for the intention of the healing of victims, conversion of the clergy, and sanctity in your family life.  Come to weekend Mass early to join the Rosary 30 minutes before each Mass.  Use a prayer to St. Joseph at the end of the Rosary.

  5. Invoking St. Monica: Women and mothers are asked to pray through the intercession of St. Monica for conversion and repentance, especially among clergy.


Prayer to St. Joseph

(At the end of the Rosary after the Hail, Holy Queen with its customary prayer, this prayer may be added)

To you, O blessed Joseph, do we come in our tribulation, and having implored the help of your

most holy Spouse, we confidently invoke your patronage also.

Through that charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you graciously to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood, and with your power and strength

to aid us in our necessities.

O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ; O most loving father, ward off from us every contagion of error and corrupting influence; O our most mighty protector, be kind to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness.

As once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril, so now protect God’s Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection, so that, supported by your example and your aid, we may be able to live piously, to die in holiness, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven.  Amen.

Penance & Reparation Plan (Spanish)

Plan de Penitencia y Reparación

 Las tres suposiciones básicas de Padre Hamilton sobre la crisis actual:

  1. Estamos lidiando con algo verdaderamente diabólico.

  2. La crisis exige una penitencia seria y en una escala bíblica.

  3. Necesitamos considerar lo que Jesús dice que es el mandamiento más grande (ver Mt. 22: 36-40). Jesús dice: Lo primero es amar a Dios con todo lo que eres. Luego, lo siguiente es sentir un amor divino por los demás.

Sugerencias para penitencia y reparación:

  1. Asistir a la Misa diaria: En particular, cinco miércoles consecutivos, la intención de la Misa diaria (en inglés) en nuestra capilla será “En reparación,” pidiendo la curación de las víctimas de abuso y reparación por los pecados del clero. Estos miércoles comienzan el 12 de septiembre y terminan el 10 de octubre. Cinco Misas son en honor a las Cinco Heridas Sagradas de Jesús (que son sus heridas en dos manos, dos pies, y su costado).

  2. Ayuno y abstinencia los miércoles y viernes: Ponte a prueba pasando estos días sin carne (eso es lo que significa abstinencia en este contexto) e incluso ayunando (lo que significa tomar solo una comida principal) como reparación por los pecados y crímenes del clero y para sanar a las víctimas. La antigua práctica de los llamados “Días de Ascuas” donde cada tres meses se hacía la penitencia, algo así como una mini-Cuaresma, también se puede vivir con ayuno. Los “Días de Ascuas” para el otoño son: 19, 21 y 22 de septiembre.

  3. Hora Santa semanal: Comprométete a vivir una Hora Santa cada semana ante el Santísimo Sacramento en nuestra capilla. Puede hacer visitas las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. El jueves 20 de septiembre, de 7 a 10 pm, asistan a un tiempo de adoración publica en la iglesia para sanar a las víctimas y en reparación por los pecados de los sacerdotes y obispos.

  4. Invocar a María y San José: Invito y animo a cada uno de ustedes a rezar el Rosario todos los días y a rezarlo como familia por lo menos una vez a la semana, con la intención de sanar a las víctimas, la conversión del clero, y la santidad en su vida familiar. Venga temprano a la Misa de fin de semana para unirse al Rosario 30 minutos antes de cada Misa. Haga la oración a San José al final del Rosario.

  5. Invocar a Santa Mónica: Se les pide a las mujeres y madres que oren por la intercesión de Santa Mónica para la conversión y el arrepentimiento, especialmente entre el clero.


Oración a San José

(Al final del Rosario después del Salve con su oración habitual, usted puede agregar esta oración)

A ti, bienaventurado San José, acudimos en nuestra tribulación, y después de implorar el auxilio de tu Santísima esposa, solicitamos también confiadamente tu protección.

Con aquella caridad que te tuvo unido a la Inmaculada Virgen María, Madre de Dios, y por el amor paterno con que abrazaste al Niño Jesús, humildemente te suplicamos que vuelvas buenos los ojos a la herencia que con su Sangre adquirió Jesucristo, y con tu poder y auxilio socorras nuestras necesidades.

Protege, oh providentísimo Custodio de la divina Familia, la escogida descendencia de Jesucristo; aleja de nosotros, oh padre amantísimo, este flagelo de errores y vicios. Asístenos propicio desde el cielo, en esta lucha contra el poder de las tinieblas; y como en otro tiempo libraste de la muerte la vida amenazada del Niño Jesús, así ahora defiende a la santa Iglesia de Dios de las hostiles insidias y de toda adversidad.

Y a cada uno de nosotros protégenos con tu constante patrocinio, para que, a ejemplo tuyo, y sostenidos por tu auxilio, podamos vivir y morir santamente y alcanzar en los cielos la eterna bienaventuranza. Amén.

Parish Festival Sign-up

August 25th is our annual parish festival. The parish is providing hamburgers, hot dogs, taquitos, condiments, and drinks. Please sign up to bring your favorite summer food. Sign up to volunteer to help share the work load and be entered into the drawings for door prizes. There’s a free-throw shooting contest for teenagers and corn-hole tournament for non-teenagers. Bring the whole family, have a bite, have some fun!

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St. Monica community welcomes those with questions about the Catholic faith and the process of becoming Catholic.

Gatherings begin Sunday, Sept. 16, at 9 a.m. in the St Ambrose Center and are open to non-Catholics age 15 years and above, as well as those needing to complete sacraments. Practicing Catholics who are bringing inquirers are also welcome.

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Catholic School Packets for 2018-2019

St. Monica parishioners who will have children enrolled in Catholic schools for the school year 2018-2019, need to complete a blue Catholic School Patron stewardship of time and talent volunteer form and treasure pledge cards in order to qualify for the subsidy which is provided for all active and tithing parishioners who practice stewardship. A description of St. Monica's policy regarding subsidies and tuition is available in the packet. The forms are available in the Parish Office.

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