Feb. 27: Fraternus Catholic Fraternity

All the men in our parish are invited to take part in this meeting at BURN (13230 Pawnee Dr. Suite 120, Oklahoma City, OK) Sunday, February 27th at 4:30pm.

Our world is suffering from a masculinity crisis. In a few years, masculinity has gone from being a "virtue" to becoming something "toxic." This crisis is affecting every area of our society today, including our church, our places of work, our schools, our media, and all our secular sociopolitical institutions. This issue will not go away by itself. It is here to stay, and it will affect our children, and their own children, and other generations down the line. As men, we can pretend to ignore it, we can choose to just talk about it, or we can actually DO something about it. As Catholic men, we have a responsibility to do something for those coming behind us. We also know we will stand one day before God to account for what we did and what we choose not to do.

Do not let this opportunity pass you by. Join this informal meeting so you can make an informed decision about your potential next actions.

For more information about Fraternus, visit fraternus.net or watch the 6-minute video below.