Solemnity of Christmas (December 24, 25) / Mary, Mother of God (December 31/January 1)

Holy Day Mass Schedule

Solemnity of Christmas
Tuesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
4:30 pm - Carols
5 pm (English)
8 pm (Spanish)
11:30 pm - Carols
12 AM Midnight Mass

Wednesday, December 25 - Christmas Day
8:30 am - Carols
9 am - (English)

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Tuesday, December 31 - New Year’s Eve

5 pm (English)
Wednesday, January 1 - New Year’s Day
10 am (English)
Noon (Spanish)

Pastoral Letter from Fr. Hamilton

Dear Parishioners,

 I want to make you aware of some important news for our parish.  I have written a pastoral letter treating our political responsibility as Catholics.  I am excited to release this letter and I pray that it will generate much positive interest among the entire parish. Link is below.

 I ask you to give attention to the letter and to observe some prayerful reflection upon it in the context of your own life as a disciple of Jesus.  Together we are called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, including in our political engagement and electoral choices.


Fr. Hamilton

2022 Parish Festival

Todos son Bienvenidos!

El Festival de este año será el Sábado, 27 de Agosto. Por favor vengan a divertirse, comer y disfrutar con toda la familia de la parroquia.

Con todos los mismos juegos y diversiones del año pasado mas el nuevo concurso de salsas picantes y el show de automobiles y motocicletas de collection.

Everybody is Welcome!

This year's festival is Aug. 27th after the 5:00 pm vigil Mass. Please come play, eat and fellowship with our entire parish family.

Like last year we will have Bingo, live music, Corn hole, Mario Kart, Cake Walk, Inflatables, Petting Zoo, Carriage Rides and NEW this year a salsa contest (not the dancing kind), a classic ride/car show. There will also be plenty of food and drinks for everyone.

Favor de responder a las tres partes de la siguiente encuesta.

There are three parts to this sign up. Please respond to each part, i.e. RVSP, Mass Survey, Volunteer Sign up.

You are coming?

What Mass you Attend?

If you can help with the event?