Special Christmas Mass Schedule

4th Sunday of Advent

Saturday, Dec. 23
5 p.m. - English
7 p.m. - Spanish

Sunday, Dec. 24
9:30 a.m. - English

Solemnity of Christmas

Sunday, Dec. 24
5 p.m. - English
8 p.m. - Spanish
Midnight Mass - English

Monday, Dec. 25
9:30 a.m. - English

Feast of the Holy Family

Saturday, Dec. 30
5 p.m. - English

Sunday, Dec. 31
9:30 a.m. - English
11:30 a.m. - Spanish

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Sunday, Dec. 31
5 p.m. - English

Monday, Jan. 1
10 am. - English
Noon - Spanish


Attention Business Owners

Those who would like to advertise in St. Monica’s bulletin may contact Kyle Eubanks, representative from Liturgical Publications Inc (LPi), St. Monica’s bulletin provider, at 1-800–950-9952. We would like to thank our present advertisers for renewing their ad and thereby continuing their support of our Church. For those interested in placing a new ad, this is your opportunity.

Seeking a Deeper Relationship with Jesus – RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

St. Monica welcomes those with questions about the Catholic faith and the process of becoming Catholic.

Meetings are held in the St. Anthony Room and are open to non-Catholics age 15 years and above, as well as those needing to complete sacraments. Practicing Catholics who are bringing inquirers are also welcome. There is no cost or obligation. For more information about this process known as the Rite of Christian

Initiation and to register, please contact Carrie Harkey at 359- 2700 or stmonicayg@gmail.com.

RCIA/RICA: Cómo ser católico: Buscar una relación más profunda con Jesús Santa Mónica da la bienvenida a aquellos con preguntas sobre la fe católica y el sobre el proceso de convertirse en católico. Las reuniones comenzarón el pasado domingo, 10 de septiembre sin embargo aun estas a tiempo de formar parte, estas reuniones son impartidas todos los Domingos a las 11:30 am antes de la misa de 1:00 pm en el salón St. Michael y están abiertas a los no-católicos de 15 años y más, así como aquellos que necesitan completar los sacramentos. Los católicos practicantes con inquietudes y preguntas acerca de su fe son también bienvenidos. No hay costo u obligación. Para más información sobre este proceso conocido como el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana y para registrarse, por favor contacte a David Hernandez al 359-2700 o dhernandez@stmonica-edmond.org.